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Grid of models computed with

  • CESTAM 286:ce6c386387d (3.5h/track with i7[7th gen], compiled with ifort2018)
  • FILOU v3.21.0

Information on the CEFIRO computations are distributed into two tables, one for equilibrium models (CESTAM) and another for oscillation frequencies (FILOU).

Computation will be organised by bundles, i.e. sets of tracks with the same physical properties except rotation. Bundles' IDs are unique so that identification is unambiguous.

<fc #800080> Grid Parameters </fc>notes
Mass range 1.5-2.5 Msun-
Mass step 0.05 Msun-
[Fe/H] 0.2, 0, -0.2, -0.4 dex -
α 1.8, 0.5 - -
overshoot 0 --
Rotation P 0,3,4,5,6,7 days 3 and 4 for fe000a180o000
Rotation T 5 days -
Stop criterion T_STOP < = 4e7 K -
No. tracks Mass(20)x [Fe/H](4) x α(2) x ov(1) x rot(4) 640 -
<fc #800080> Naming convention </fc>
Name example Parameters
m185fe010a180o020t5p6 1.85 Msun, [Fe/H = 0.10, α=1.80, ov=0.20, t=5, p=6
m185fe-010a180o020t5p6 1.85 Msun, [Fe/H = -0.10, α=1.80, ov=0.20, t=5, p=6
m185fe-100a180o020t5p6 1.85 Msun, [Fe/H = -1.00, α=1.80, ov=0.20, t=5, p=6

Test #1

Test for CESTAM computations when using XSTOP = 1e-60. We will test with: m180fe0a164o0rotjpzt5p7. We have used .don from CEFIRO and modified α , ov and XSTEP.


Each dataset has 20 tracks (in mass, δM=0.05 Msun) for different physics

<fc #800080> Production </fc>
Dataset Physics Status Date Failed tracks Missing tracks FILOU
1fe000a180o000t5p0 OK 14-06 <fc #008000>OK</fc>
2fe000a180o000t5p5 OK 12-06 1.50 2.30, <fc #008000>OK</fc>
3fe020a180o000t5p5 OK 07-06 <fc #008000>OK</fc>
4fe-020a180o000t5p5 OK 12-06 2.50 <fc #008000>OK</fc>
5fe000a180o000t5p6 OK 11-06 1.50,1.55,1.75,1.95 2.30 <fc #008000>OK</fc>
6fe000a180o000t5p7 OK 12-06 1.50 2.30<fc #008000>OK</fc>
7fe000a050o000t5p0 OK 18-06 <fc #008000>OK</fc>
8fe000a050o000t5p5 OK 06-06 <fc #008000>OK</fc>
9fe-020a180o000t5p0 OK 18-06 2.15, 2.20, 2.25,2.40,2.50 <fc #008000>OK</fc>
10fe-020a180o000t5p6 OK 17-06 2.15, 2.20, 2.50<fc #008000>OK</fc>
11fe-020a180o000t5p7 OK 17-06 2.15, 2.20, 2.50<fc #008000>OK</fc>
12fe-040a180o000t5p0 OK 18-06 2.20 <fc #008000>OK</fc>
13fe-040a180o000t5p5 OK 12-06 155 <fc #008000>OK</fc>
14fe-040a180o000t5p6 OK 12-06 155, 160 <fc #008000>OK</fc>
15fe-040a180o000t5p7 OK 12-06 1.50, 1.55, 1.60 <fc #008000>OK</fc>
16fe020a180o000t5p0 OK 17-06 230, 2.35, 245 <fc #008000>OK</fc>
17fe020a180o000t5p6 OK 11-06 <fc #008000>OK</fc>
18fe020a180o000t5p7 OK 11_06 <fc #008000>OK</fc>
19fe000a050o000t5p6 OK 08-06 <fc #008000>OK</fc>
20fe000a050o000t5p7 OK 10-06 <fc #008000>OK</fc>
21fe-020a050o000t5p0 OK 17-06 <fc #008000>OK</fc>
22fe-020a050o000t5p5 OK 17-06 2.35<fc #008000>OK</fc>
23fe-020a050o000t5p6 OK 17-06 <fc #008000>OK</fc>
24fe-020a050o000t5p7 OK 17-06 1.50 <fc #008000>OK</fc>
25fe-040a050o000t5p0 OK 18-06 <fc #008000>OK</fc>
26fe-040a050o000t5p5 OK 13-06 <fc #008000>OK</fc>
27fe-040a050o000t5p6 OK 13-06 <fc #008000>OK</fc>
28fe-040a050o000t5p7 OK 13-06 <fc #008000>OK</fc>
29fe020a050o000t5p0 OK 18-06 <fc #008000>OK</fc>
30fe020a050o000t5p5 OK 11-06 <fc #008000>OK</fc>
31fe020a050o000t5p6 OK 11-06 <fc #008000>OK</fc>
32fe020a050o000t5p7 OK 11-06 <fc #008000>OK</fc>
33fe000a180o000t5p3 OK 01-11 <fc #008000>OK</fc>
34fe000a180o000t5p4 OK 01-11 <fc #008000>OK</fc>
proyectos/ugr-des-cefiro2.txt · Last modified: 2019/11/14 15:58 by