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Usage of Wiki

This wikipage explains the most frequent features of the DokuWiki editor. For a comprehensive and detailed help please browse the DokuWiki manual.

1. Tables

Columns and roes are separaste by “^” or “|”, the first being used for header. In the following example, the first row and column are headers:

  ^Header     ^Colum1  ^Colum2  ^Column3 ^ColumnN |
  ^Row 1      |X       |X       |X     |0  |
  ^Row 2      |X       |X       |X     |1  | 

Once saved, the table results in:

Header Colum1 Colum2 Column3 ColumnN
Row 1 X X X 0
Row 2 X X X 1

Rows spanning the whole column size can be inserted by writing the text in the first column and filling with as many vertical bars as remaining columns, e.g.:

  ^Title of the table covering all the columns |||||
  ^Header     ^Colum1  ^Colum2  ^Column3 ^ColumnN |
  ^Row 1      |X       |X       |X     |0  |
  ^Row 2      |X       |X       |X     |1  | 

which results in:

Title of the table covering all the columns
Header Colum1 Colum2 Column3 ColumnN
Row 1 X X X 0
Row 2 X X X 1

External links (e.g. to websites, ftp, etc.) can be insterted by using the “external link” button (chain with Earth) of the edition bar (on top) or by directly writing:

  [[|This links to]]

The result is This links to

Similarly to external link, internal wiki pages can be linked by using the specific button (chain) of the edition bar which will prompts you to choose the target page, or by coding as follows:


The result is Ministerio

4. Figures and files

Figures and files can be embedded in the wiki pages. The figure should be in the wiki server, so it needs to be uploaded first. To do so, click on media manager (on top-right of the site), and there add your image to the “Wiki” category.

Then in the page where you want to insert the image, click on the portrait button in the editing bar and select your image.

4. Titles and their hierarchy

To insert a title (it means that it will be registered in the TOC of the document) the title text must be written between “=” symbols (the number of symbols must be the same before and after the title text). The more symbols you use the bigger the title. For example

  ''===== Title =====''

Alternatively it can be use the “select headline” button of the editing bar on top. Plenty of examples can be read in the present page.

5. Colour of fonts

The colour of the fonts can be changed by using the big “A” button on the editing bar. This will yield a numeric code like


which yields: <fc #800000>CHANGING COLORS OF FONTS IS FUNNY</fc>

material/wiki.txt · Last modified: 2015/06/12 13:22 by