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documentation:partb41 [2015/04/02 12:54] garciahernandezdocumentation:partb41 [2015/04/06 09:11] (current) jcsuarez
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 +|**The MsWord (.docx) template of this document is available at**  \\  **[[|/WorkDir/Templates/ ]]**  \\ **Its latest version can be downloaded from **  \\ **[[|/WorkDir/Bid/B/]]**  |
 +**Section 4: Members of the consortium ** 
 +{{}}//This section is not covered by the page limit.// 
 +{{}}//The information provided here will be used to judge the operational capacity.// 
 +**4.1. Participants (applicants)** 
 +Please provide, for each participant, the following (if available):
 +· a description of the legal entity and its main tasks, with an explanation of how its profile matches the tasks in the proposal;
 +**INTA    (National Institute for Aerospace  Technology)** is the Spanish   Public Research Organization specialized in aerospace research and   technology development. Its main responsibilities are:
 +    - The acquisition, maintenance and continuous improvement of technologies that can be applied to the aerospace field.
 +    - The performance of all types of tests to check, approve and certify   materials, components equipment items, subsystems and systems that   have an aerospace application.
 +    - The provision of technical assessment and services to official bodies   and agencies, and also to industrial or technological companies.technological centre for the Ministry of Defence.
 +INTA leads the Spanish Virtual Observatory (SVO, [[|]]) project, an   initiative funded since 2004 by the Ministry of Economy and   Competitiveness to enhance the participation of the Spanish institutes in the VO framework through technical   (VO compliance of  astronomical archives, implementation of   theoretical services) and scientific (VO science cases) developments, provision of added-value services (data   mining and VO tools) and   organization of meetings to explore ways of collaboration and   exploit synergies among teams.    \\ 
 + \\ 
 +INTA hosts at Centro de Astrobiología the most important Spanish   Astronomical Data Centre which, among others,   provides Virtual Observatory compliant access to the Gran   Telescopio CANARIAS (GTC) and Calar Alto archives. GTC is the   largest optical-infrared   telescope in the world whereas Calar Alto is the largest   observatory in continental   Europe.
 +· a  curriculum vitae or description of the profile of the persons, including their gender, who will be primarily responsible for carrying out the proposed research and/or innovation activities;
 +**Dr. Enrique Solano**     received   his astronomy PhD from Universidad Complutense de Madrid in   1994. In 1995 he took up a position as IUE Resident Astronomer   until the end of the project (February 1998). In September 1998   he started to work at INTA for the ESA-INTA INES Transfer   Programme at the end of which (June 2000) INTA took full   responsibility for the INES Archive. Since January 2002, he has   been leading the INTA Astronomical Data Centre.
 +Dr. Solano is the Principal   Investigator of the Spanish Virtual Observatory project (funded   since 2004) and has been responsible for the Spanish VO   initiatives both at regional, national and international level.   He is the vice-chair of the IVOA Executive Committee and has been the   Spanish representative in the Board of the EuroVO-DCA,   EuroVO-AIDA and EuroVO-CoSADIE projects. He is also co-author of   a significant number of VO-science refereed papers.
 +· a  list of up to 5 relevant publications, and/or products, services (including widely-used datasets or software), or other achievements relevant to the  call content;
 +    * Title: Measuring mean densities of δ Scuti stars with asteroseismology. Theoretical properties of large separations using TOUCAN
 +      * Authors: Suárez, J. C.; García Hernández, A.; Moya, A.; Rodrigo, C.; Solano, E.; Garrido, R.; Rodón, J. R
 +      * Reference: 2014A&A…563A…7S
 +    * Title: Kepler observations of very low-mass stars
 +      * Authors:  Martín, E. L.; Cabrera, J.; Martioli, E.; Solano, E.; Tata, R.
 +      * Reference: 2013A&A…555A.108M
 +    * Title: The LAEX and NASA portals for CoRoT public data
 +      * Authors: Solano, E.; von Braun, K.; Velasco, A.; Ciardi, D. R.; Gutiérrez, R.; McElroy, D. L.; López, M.; Abajian, M.; García, M.; Ali, B.; et al.
 +      * Reference: 2009A&A…506..455S
 +    * Title: VOSA: virtual observatory SED analyzer. An application to the Collinder 69 open cluster
 +      * Authors: Bayo, A.; Rodrigo, C.; Barrado Y Navascués, D.; Solano, E.; Gutiérrez, R.; Morales-Calderón, M.; Allard, F.
 +      * Reference: 2008A&A…492..277B
 +    * Title: GAUDI: A Preparatory Archive for the COROT Mission
 +      * Authors: Solano, E.; Catala, C.; Garrido, R.; Poretti, E.; Janot-Pacheco, E.; Gutiérrez, R.; González, R.; Mantegazza, L.; Neiner, C.; Fremat, Y.; et al.
 +      * Reference: 2005AJ….129..547S
 +· a  list of up to 5 relevant previous projects or activities, connected to the subject of this proposal;
 +    * Title: GENIUS. Gaia European Network for Improved data User Services.
 +      * Call / Duration: FP7-SPACE. (2013 - 2016)
 +      * Project number: 606740
 +    * Title: Astronomical Resource Cross-matching for High Energy Studies (ARCHES).
 +      * Call / Duration: FP7 - SPACE. (2013 - 2015)
 +      * Project number: 313146
 +    * Title: CoSADIE. Collaborative and Sustainable Astronomical Data Infrastructure for Europe.
 +      * Call / Duration: FP7 - INFRA. (2012 - 2014)
 +      * Project number: 212104
 +· a  description of any significant infrastructure and/or any major items of technical equipment, relevant to the proposed work;
 +INTA hosts the largest astronomical data centre managed by a Spanish institution ([[|]]). It contains data collections both from space missions (IUE, CoRoT, OMC, Herchel) and ground-based projects (GTC, the largest telescope in the world; Calar Alto, the largest observatory in continental Europe, CMC-15, GAUDI,…).
 +· [any other supporting documents specified in the work programme for this call.]
 +·  formation' as background or results: (YES/NO)
 +The Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF) is a non profit, governmental      \\ institute coordinating the astronomical research activity in Italy, in cooperation      \\ with Universities and other astronomical subjects such as the Italian Space      \\ Agency (ASI). It has over 500 permanent scientific staff and is represented      \\ over the national territory within 15 departments. INAF participates in ENO      \\ with the Telescopio Nazionale Galileo, is a major partner in the Large      \\ Binocular Telescope consortium, and is directly involved in major      \\ astronomical telescope projects (e.g. ALMA, SKA), as well as in the construction of      \\ state-of-the-art focal plane instrumentation and European collaborations      \\ (OPTICON, ELT Design Study, ASTRONET, EST, etc). INAF is represented      \\ in this proposal by Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera, in Milano.
 +Short CV of **Ennio Poretti**, the responsible of INAF in this proposal:
 +Date and place of birth: June 30th, 1956; Arconate (Milano) – Italy      \\ Laurea: Physics at Universita Statale di Milano (July 5th, 1982)      \\ Current position: Researcher Astronomer at INAF- Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera.      \\ Number of ADS publications (refereed journals only): 158 (1984-2014)      \\ Total number of ADS citations: 2767      \\ Hirtsch index (total): 30 (refereed papers only)      \\ Hirtsch index (personal): 16 (refereed papers only)      \\ Teaching Experience: Laboratory of Astronomy, Università di Pavia (Italy), (1989-1996)
 +About the activities strictly relevant in the framework of  this project:
 +Scientist-in-charge of Marie Curie Fellowship MEIF-CT-2006-024476      \\ (2007-2009) A ground-based follow-up study of the potential targets      \\ of the asteroseismic satellite mission COROT. Fellow: Katrien Uytterhoeven.
 +Member of the ESA PLATO SCIENCE TEAM (2007-2009).
 +Member of the Scientific Board of the SPACEINN (EU-funded in the SPACE framework) project (since 2012).
 +Five relevant publications:
 +Zwintz K., Fossati L, …, Poretti E., et al. 2014, Science 345, 550: Echography of young stars reveals theit evolution
 +Poretti E., Baglin A., Weiss W.W. 2015, ApJL, 795, L36: The CoRoT discovery of  a unique triple-mode Cepheid in the Galaxy
 +Nardetto N., Poretti E., Rainer M., et al. 2014, A&A 561, A151: Undertanding the dynamical structure of pulsating stars. HARPS spectroscopy of the Delta Sct stars Rho Puppis and DX Ceti
 +Garcia Hernandez A., Moya A., Michel E., Suarez J.C., Poretti E., et al. 2013, A&A 559, A63: An in-depth study of HD 174966 with CoRoT photometry and HARPS spectroscopy. Large separation as a new observable for Delta Sct stars
 +Paparo M., Bognar Zs., Benko, J.M., Gandolfi D., Moya A., Suarez J.C., Sodor A., Hareter M., Poretti E. et al., 2013, A&A 557, A27: CoRoT 102749568: mode identification in a Delta Sct star based on regular spacing
 +- A description of the legal entity and its main tasks, with an explanation of how its profile matches the tasks in the proposal;
 +IA-CAUP is a research institute of the //Universidade do Porto//, being part of the //Instituto de Astrofísica e Ciências do Espaço//    (IA), a national research unit jointly created by the universities of Porto and Lisboa. The main goals of IA-CAUP are to support research, advanced training and outreach in the field of Astronomy and Space Sciences. IA was evaluated in 2014 by an international panel for the funding agency, receiving the classification “excellent”, the only unit to receive it in the field of space sciences. It’s staff includes over 100 researchers, with more than 60% of these having a PhD. It covers all major fields from Stars and Exoplanets, to Galaxies, Cosmology and Instrumentation for Space Sciences. IA participates in several international projects and programs, including space missions (CHEOPS, EUCLID, PLATO, etc) and the development of instrumentation for ESO’s telescopes (ESPRESSO, MOONS, etc).
 +- A curriculum vitae or description of the profile of the persons, including their gender, who will be primarily responsible for carrying out the proposed research and/or innovation activities;
 +Mario Monteiro, is an associate professor at the Universidade do Porto, an expert in stellar physics. Has obtained a PhD in helioseismology in 1996, at the Queen Mary University of London. Has been the Director of CAUP from 2006 to 2012, is the national delegate to the ESA Science Program Committee (SPC) since 2008. Has been CoI for the CoRoT Mission (CNES & ESA) and member of the Steering Committee for The Kepler Asteroseismic Consortium. Has been the PI or participated in several funded projects by the national foundation and the European Commission (EC). He is currently the lead person in IA-CAUP for the projects ASK and SPACEINN, funded by the EC and the Principal Investigator/Coordinator for the Thematic Line on “Towards a Comprehensive Study of Stars” at IA. Has supervised many young researchers (postdocs, PhD and MSc students) and is the Principal Investigator for the Doctoral Network in Space Sciences (PhD::SPACE), a national initiative funded by the national agency. Al list of publications is available at[[|   ]]
 +Antonio Garcia-Hernandez is a research fellow at IA, funded by the national research agency FCT…
 +Margarida Cunha is a senior research with a research contract from the research agency with expertise in…
 +- A list of up to 5 relevant publications, and/or products, services (including widely-used datasets or software), or other achievements relevant to the  call content;
 +//__ M. J. P. F. G. Monteiro (Ed.)__//, 2009,[[|Evolution and Seismic Tools for Stellar Astrophysics]], Astrophysics and Space Science, Springer, 261 pgs
 +V. Antoci, __M. S. Cunha__, G. Houdek, H. Kjeldsen, R. Trampedach, G. Handler, T. Lüftinger, T. Arentoft, S. J. Murphy, 2014,[[|The Role of Turbulent Pressure as a Coherent Pulsational Driving Mechanism: The Case of the δ Scuti Star HD 187547]], The Astrophysical Journal, 796, 118_1-118_8
 +__ A. García Hernández__, A. Moya, E. Michel, J.-C. Suárez, E. Poretti, S. Martín-Ruiz, P. J. Amado González, R. Garrido, E. Rodriguez, M. Rainer, K. Uytterhoeven, C. Rodrigo, E. Solano, J. R. Rodón Ortiz, P. Mathias, A. Rolland, M. Auvergne, A. Baglin, F. Baudin, C. Catala, R. Samadi, 2013,__[[|An in-depth study of HD174966 with CoRoT photometry and HARPS spectroscopy Large separation as a new observable for δ Scuti stars]]__, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 559, A63_1-A63_14
 +J.-C. Suárez, __A. García Hernández__, A. Moya, C. Rodrigo, E. Solano, R. Garrido, J. R. Rodón Ortiz, 2014,[[|Measuring mean densities of δ Scuti stars with asteroseismology Theoretical properties of large separations using TOUCAN]], Astronomy and Astrophysics, 563, A7_1-A7_111
 +T. S. Metcalfe, __M. J. P. F. G. Monteiro__, M. J. Thompson, J. Molenda-Żakowicz, T. Appourchaux, W. J. Chaplin, G. Doǧan, P. Eggenberger, T. R. Bedding, H. Bruntt, O. L. Creevey, P.-O. Quirion, D. Stello, A. Bonanno, V. Silva Aguirre, S. Basu, L. Esch, N. Gai, M. P. Di Mauro, A. G. Kosovichev, I. N. Kitiashvili, J.-C. Suárez, A. Moya, L. Piau, R. A. García, J. P. Marques, A. Frasca, K. Biazzo, S. G. Sousa, S. Dreizler, M. Bazot, C. Karoff, S. Frandsen, P. A. Wilson, T. M. Brown, J. Christensen-Dalsgaard, R. L. Gilliland, H. Kjeldsen, T. L. Campante, S. T. Fletcher, R. Handberg, C. Régulo, D. Salabert, J. Schou, G. A. Verner, J. Ballot, A.-M. Broomhall, Y. Elsworth, S. Hekker, D. Huber, S. Mathur, R. New, I. W. Roxburgh, K. H. Sato, T. R. White, W. J. Borucki, D. Koch, J. M. Jenkins, 2010,[[|A precise asteroseismic age and radius for the evolved Sun-like star KIC 11026764]], The Astrophysical Journal, 723, 1583-1598
 +-A list of up to 5 relevant previous projects or activities, connected to the subject of this proposal;
 +SPACEINN – Exploitation of Space Data for Innovative Helio- and Asteroseismology, a project funded by the European Commission 2013-2016 (FP7-SPACE-2012-312844)
 +ASK – //Sounding Stars with Kepler//, a project fudned by the European Commission 2011-2015 (FP7-PEOPLE-2010-IRSES-269194)
 +HELAS –// The European Helio- and Asteroseismology Network//, a project funded by the European Commission 2006-2010 ( FP6-2004-Infrastructures-5-026138
 +ESTA - //Evolution and Seismic Tools//    Activity for the CoRoT mission, an international working group coordinated, by IA-CAUP for validating evolution and pulsation codes for space missions (2002-2008).
 +- A description of any significant infrastructure and/or any major items of technical equipment, relevant to the proposed work;
 +**Granada University (UGR)** 
 +- A description of the legal entity and its main tasks, with an explanation of how its profile matches the tasks in the proposal;
 +The UGR was founded in 1531. As a classical university with around 70.000 students, 3.600 lecturers, 1,900 admin. and support staff, the UGR offers a wide range of courses at undergraduate and postgraduate level. Every year over 4.800 international graduate and postgraduate students choose the UGR to take full study programmes or via the approximately 800 network and bilateral exchange agreements in which the UGR is involved. The UGR is the leading European university in number of Erasmus students received, and in 2007, received the Erasmus Gold Star Award in recognition of its contribution to the programme. Additionally, the UGR is a full member of numerous international networks and associations such as the Coimbra Group, UNIMED, EUA, IAU, EAIE, AUIP, AIEA, etc.
 +Mission and Objectives: the UGR is a public higher education institution. The UGR is committed not only to quality and excellence in education, learning and research but also to activities targeting the transfer of scientific, technical and artistic knowledge to society, the betterment of society and a sustainable environment. As a modern university with a long-standing tradition, the UGR strives for improved and increasing outreach and the promotion of strong links with its local and regional context. Respect for the dignity of individuals, freedom of thought and expression, justice, equality, solidarity and eradication of discrimination are among the main values of the UGR. Due to its long-standing tradition, geographical location and high standards, both in teaching and research, the UGR regards internationalization as one of its strategic aims.
 +Main Projects / Activities: the main activities of the UGR are related to higher education, learning and research in a very broad sense. Its more than 100 departments carry out high quality research and teaching activities at all levels. Furthermore, central services for students, research equipment, continuing education, summer schools, language training, transfer of knowledge, work placements, etc. are available for all the members of its academic community. The UGR is involved in a vast number of national and international projects financed through different programmes such as FP7, LLP, Erasmus Mundus, Tempus, Alfa, Interreg, etc.
 +- A curriculum vitae or description of the profile of the persons, including their gender, who will be primarily responsible for carrying out the proposed research and/or innovation activities;
 +**Inmaculada Domínguez**    (female)
 +Professor of Astronomy and Astrophysics.
 +Director for Internationalization (International School for Postgraduate Studies)
 +Member of the Task Force for Doctoral Studies and Research (Coimbra Group of Universities).
 +Organizer and Director of the School Board of the Azarquiel Shool of Astronomy: a Bridge  between East and West (Granada 2010, Beirut 2011, Istanbul 2012).
 +She hast taught several doctoral courses for more than 17 years at the University of Granada and also at foreign universities in Chile (Universidad de Chile, Santiago), China (National Astronomical Observatories, Beijing),  Italy (Roma 2) and Portugal (Instituto Superior Tecnico).
 +Recently, she was elected member of the organizing committee of the Comission  Stellar Constitution, for the International Astronomical Union
 +**Juan Carlos Suárez**    (male) is a post-doc scientist at the UGR with a "Ramón y Cajal" fellowship, and associate researcher at IAA-CSIC and part of the SST group. He is expert in stellar structure and evolution and asteroseismology, particularly for rotating stars. His main lines of research are the study of angular momentum of stars through the analysis of the stellar pulsation–rotation interaction, the study of methods for extracting information from the oscillation spectra via global and statistical analysis based on periodic patterns, and for analysing photometric light curves. Currently, he is one of the two Spanish delegates of the PLATO mission, member of the board, and leader of several WPs related to the data process and scientific preparation of the mission.
 +- A list of up to 5 relevant publications, and/or products, services (including widely-used datasets or software), or other achievements relevant to the call content;
 +- A list of up to 5 relevant previous projects or activities, connected to the subject of this proposal;
 +- A description of any significant infrastructure and/or any major items of technical equipment, relevant to the proposed work;