The Spanish Community in PLATO2.0
Here we describe who and how is the Spanish Community involved in PLATO2.0 (Research centers, research teams, infrastructures, etc.) - Insert organigramme showing Spanish flags - Summary of research centers involvled - Teams involved - Research areas covered -
In addition to the development of the PLATO instrument HW, different Spanish researchers will participate in activities related to the development of the PLATO Data Center (PDC) and PLATO Science Preparation (PSP):
- WP375000 (IAC, Roy Alonso). “L1 corrections from known transits”
- WP374310 (UGR, J.C. Suárez). “End-Product Guarantee”
- WP385100 (CAB, E. Solano). “Compliance with VO standards”
- WP385200 (CAB, E. Solano). “ VO Services developments”
- WP122200 (IAC, C. Allende). “Fundamental parameters, chemical abundances“
- WP122300 (IAA, A. Claret) . “Determination of limb-darkening”
- WP121130 (UGR, J.C. Suárez). “Theoretical oscillation frequencies”
- WP112510(IAC, H. Deeg). “Circumbinary planet detection”
- WP143100 (IAC, R. Alonso): “Photometric follow-up”
- WP115500 (CAB, D. Barrado): “Non-transiting planets via REBs”
- WP145200 (IAC, R. Alonso):” Secondary eclipse, phase variation spectroscopy”
- WP 141100 (IEC-UB, I. Ribas): “Target distribution requirements”
comunidad/descripcion.txt · Last modified: 2022/05/18 09:40 by