===== Impact of gap-filling methods on powerspectra of A-F stars ===== ^(I) Study of surface gravity from (Δυ,ρ) (preliminary) ||| ^Authors| JPG,...|| ^Journal | MNRAS || ^Last version | [[https://www.overleaf.com/3612317yqzxhz |link]] || ^Date of submission| - || ^Report Referee 1 | link|| ^Abstract ||| |Here the text with the abstract ||| ^(II) Impact of gap-filling methods on Δυ estimations from Fourier techniques (preliminary) ||| ^Authors| JCS,...|| ^Journal | MNRAS || ^Last version | [[https://www.overleaf.com/9516119bqmdbdhkmcbc|link]] || ^Date of submission| - || ^Report Referee 1 | link|| ^Abstract ||| |Here the text with the abstract ||| ===== Discussion =====