^Objectives Summary|||||| ^# ^Brief Description ^Period ^Dependency ^Milestone ^Deliverable| |1 | Self-consistent analysis of photometric lightcurves | M01-M36 |- |-|-| |1.1 | Impact of gaps in the harmonic analysis |M01-M12|-|-|-| |1.2 | Adaptation of OleMIARMA software to PLATO2.0 pipeline| M12-M36 |-|-|-| |1.3 | Characterization of convection through frequency content | M12-M24 |-|-|-| |2 | Extend the analysis of modal identification to IR | M12-M24 |-|-|-| |3 | Development of quasi-simultenous VIS-IR observing mode for mode identification with OSN facilities |M12-24|-|-|-| |4 | Participation of OSN in FU activities up to PDR | M12-M24|-|-|-| === Objective #1 Analysis of photometric lightcurves === - Problem of gaps in the sampling. No measures (zero) is even worst. Linear interpolation is equivalent to zeros. - Even without gaps there is a so-called red-noise. Characterization of such a noise. - relate with WPs of PDC - Using legacy data from Corot and Kepler we propose a proper analysis for PLATO2.0 data. === Objective #2 Extend the analysis of modal identification to IR === -This would be the topic for PhD - === Objective #3 More stuff to be done === - Software development (Nacho) === Objective #5 FU === - Susana. Nacho : registrarse en la web. Contacto con el responsable. - === Support stuff === - include relation between PLATO and CARMENES. RV (Thoundsen code, Cristina); characterisation of A-F stars with planets -