==== WP8. Outreach, dissemination & sustainability ==== ^Responsible ^Other Participants | |INTA |ALL | Ensure that scientific and technological communities related to the project know about the work of PERSIA. Provide generic outreach for the use and understanding for expert and non-expert potential users of the tools and data generated by the project. Define the strategy for long-term support and sustainability of the tools and data generated within the PERSIA project. === Taks === * Web portal: this will be the face of the project, the entry port for partners and the general public. * Dissemination through Twitter and Facebook. * Implement open access to scientific publications, project documentation, code and data. * Training activities towards the community (schools, on-line tutorials, etc.) to extend the scientific impoact of PERSIA well beyond the end of the project. * Sustainability plan * Disseminate the achievements and services of the project to prospective communities at scientific conferences, e-science, and Open Science events * Coordinate activities for gathering information from the consortium and update project website content * Organisation of a scientific workshop at the end of the project?? * Explore the possibility of using results and tools in tutorials for university students?? === Deliverables === * Reports * Tutorials * … (TBD) \\