|The MsWord (**PERSIA_B3_WPX_Template.docx**) template of this document is available at \\ **[[https://cloud.iaa.csic.es/public.php?service=files&t=f383942d2eaa7fe40d205fba638481ce|/WorkDir/Templates/ ]]** \\ Its latest version can be downloaded from \\ **[[https://cloud.iaa.csic.es/public.php?service=files&t=5421a0c0810e55e4c2f39e12cf138f6b|/WorkDir/Bid/B/WPs/]]** | ---- ^Pages | |5 | {{http://dfe.iaa.csic.es/persia/wiki/lib/plugins/fckg/fckeditor/editor/images/smiley/msn/lightbulb.gif?nolink&}}**Description of the Work**: Where appropriate, broken down into tasks), lead partner and role of participants {{http://dfe.iaa.csic.es/persia/wiki/lib/plugins/fckg/fckeditor/editor/images/smiley/msn/lightbulb.gif?nolink&}}**Deliverables: ** Brief description and month of delivery Latest versions of the WP documents ---- Please when you have uploaded the last version of your WP document, send an email to persia-list and update the table below including the version, date and any comment you consider. :!: The first draft will be "v0" for all documents :!: After v0 we will use "change control" in Ms Word to track the changes. Project Office members will insert comments to your documents. ^WP ^Last Version ^Date ^Comments | ^1 |v1 |01/04/2015 | | ^2 |v1 |01/04/2015 |It lacks of PM distribution in Tasks. Review relations with other WP | ^3 |v0 | |PM calculation required!! Other Partners? Review relations with other WP | ^4 |v0 | | | ^5 |v1 |01/04/2015 |Review relations with other WP | ^6 |v1 |01/04/2015 |Urgent input from Daniel Resse is relations with other WP | ^7 |v1 |01/04/2015 |Must address remaining minor comments by Antonio. Review relations with other WP | ^8 |v1 |01/04/2015 |Connection with Outreach Plan and Dissemination Plan must be included. Review relations with other WP | ==== General guidelines for shaping your WP ==== **WP Description.** * **First write 1-2 paragraph on the “context / necessity"** * **Thenexplain**** in detail the WP ** and how you plan to achieve your objectives with the different tasks/deliverables. * Relate the different Tasks within the WP and/or with other WPs (e.g. your inputs/outputs) **Tasks description. ** Short explanation of the task * PM of the task leader and participants must be explicitly written. * Interconnection/dependencies with other WP (if any) must be included * Interconnection/dependencies with other Tasks (if any) must be included **Deliverables.** * Month of delivery must be indicated. * Relation with the corresponding Task should be written. **Milestones** * Month on which milestones should be achieved. * How the consortium may “verify” if the milestone has been passed. **Risks** * Include critical risks and a “B plan” in case of necessity. **References** * Please write your own list of references at the [[wiki reference page]] and use the corresponding number in squared brackets [] within the text. \\