==== Description of the partner ==== ^Legal Name ^Université de Liège | ^Short Name |ULG | ^Responsible in PERSIA |M.A. Dupret | ^PIC |**999976105** | ^Legal Representative |Isabelle Halleux (ard@ulg.ac.be) | ^Legal Status |:!: Validated by European Commission | ^Street |allée du 6 Août 17 | ^Town |Liège | ^PostCode |4000 | ^Country |Belgium | ^Website |[[http://www.ulg.ac.be|www.ulg.ac.be]] | ^Overheads ^^ ---- ==== Salaries & PPM Cost ==== ^Contract Type ^Salary ^PPM cost | |[1] Assistant Professor | 88800 | 7400 | |[2] Postdoctoral grant | 43400 | 3617 | Average €/PM = 5500 ---- ==== Participants ==== ^Full Name ^Short Name ^Entity ^Status ^Role ^PPM ^Cost | |M.A. Dupret |MAD |ULG |[1] |Responsible of ULG partner | 12 | 88800 | |Postdoc | ||[2] | Tasks 1 and 2 in WP 4 | 36 | 130200 | |Total | | | | |48 | 218400 | \\