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work:wp5 [2015/03/25 13:24] persiawork:wp5 [2015/03/27 15:51] (current) persia
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 +==== WP5. Virtual Observatory archives and tools. ====
 +^Responsible |
 +|Enrique Solano (ES) |
 +====  ====
 +=== Work Package number: WP5 ===
 +=== Work Package title: Virtual Observatory archives and tools ===
 +=== Lead partner: INTA ===
 +=== Participants and person/months per participant: ===
 +    * INTA: 48
 +    * CSIC: 2
 +    * CAUP: 2
 +    * IRAP: 2
 +    * INAF: 2
 +=== Objectives ===
 +    * **Objective 5.1:**    Disseminate the PERSIA data products  using Web services and Virtual Observatory standards to ease their scientific exploitaiton.
 +    * **Objective 5.2:**    Develop a portal to discover and access light curve archives of interest for the project.
 +    * **Objective 5.3:  **   Integration of Toucan ([[|]]) in the portal described in the previous objective.
 +**Description of work** 
 +Space missions (MOST, CoRoT, Kepler,…) has caused a dramatic increase of the asteroseismic data. Other present and future projects (Gaia, PLATO,…) will increase by a factor of hundreds the available datasets. Ground-based networks and dedicated photometric and spectroscopic follow-up observations also continuously increase the amount of related data. A proper understanding and full exploitation of this huge amount of information requires a similar leap forward on the theoretical side. The necessity of Big Data research has been identified as an urgent necessity and a major challenge by the international stellar physics community.
 +Comparison between observational and theoretical data,  assessment of the coherence of theoretical models by performing sanity checks to identify potential systematic errors that could have an impact on the interpretation of observational datasets, discovery of the information (images, spectra, photometry, physical parameters,..) on targets of interest,…, all these are necessary tasks that can become tedious and quite inefficient due to the lack of interoperability among astronomical archives and services. This situation can, however, be greatly alleviated if all these activities are accomplished in the Virtual Observatory framework.
 +In this workpackage we plan to develop a Virtual Observatory compliant portal to allow an easy management (discovery, access and analysis) of the theoretical and observational datasets of relevance for the project. All the data products generated in the project will also be adapted to the VO standards and requirements to guarantee their seamless access and fully exploitation.
 +=== Taks ===
 +    * **Task 5.1:**    Identification of the theoretical and observational data collections of interest for the project.
 +      * Schedule: M02
 +      * Task Leader: INTA (1PM)
 +    * **Task 5.2:**    Identification of asteroseismic portal and services of interest for the project. The case of Spaceinn.
 +      * Schedule: M03
 +      * Task leader: INTA (1PM)
 +    * **Task 5.3:**    VO-compliance of the data collections identified in Task 5.1.
 +      * Schedule: M04-M09
 +      * Task leader: INTA (6 PM)
 +    * **Task 5.4:**    Upgrade of TOUCAN to tackle the requirements identified in the project.
 +      * Schedule: M18-M23
 +      * Task leader: INTA (6 PM)
 +    * **Task 5.5:**    VO-compliance of the data collections generated in the project.
 +      * Schedule: M23-M28
 +      * Task leader: INTA (6PM)
 +      * Participants: CSIC (1PM), CAUP (1 PM), IRAP (2PM), INAF (2PM)
 +    * **Task 5.6:**    Collaboration with the rest of WPs on the VO compliance of the web tools.
 +      * Schedule: M28-M33
 +      * Task leader: INTA (2PM)
 +      * Participants: CSCI (1PM), CAUP (1PM)
 +    * **Task 5.7:**    Development and implementation of a Web and VO-compliant archive system for the data products generated in PERSIA.
 +      * Schedule: M17-M30
 +      * Task leader: INTA (14 PM)
 +    * **Task 5.8:**    Development of a VO-compliant portal for an easy discovery, access and analysis of theoretical and observational time series-related data collections.
 +      * Schedule: M23-M34
 +      * Task leader: INTA (12 PM)
 +=== Milestones ===
 +    * M5.1 Virtual Observatory compliance of time series corrected for gaps (WP1).
 +    * M5.2 Web and Virtual Observatory interface for the time series corrected for gaps and associated parameters (frequencies and amplitudes) (WP1).
 +    * M5.3 Web and Virtual Observatory interface for the datasets generated in WP2 (asteroseismic indices).
 +    * M5.4 Virtual Observatory compliance of the grid of 2D models produced in WP3.
 +    * M5.5 Web and Virtual Observatory interface for the datasets generated in WP6 (reduced spectra, catalogue of physical parameters).
 +    * M5.6 VO-compliance of existing data collections of interest for the project.
 +    * M5.7 Development of the VO-compliant portal.
 +    * D5.1 Report on the VO compliance of the datasets and services generated in the project (month 30).
 +    * D5.2 Report on the PERSIA VO-compliant portal (month 34).
 +**Risks: **     The impact in terms of overall risk to the project is limited.
 +    * Likelihood of occurrence (1: very unlikely; 4= highly likely)
 +    * Impact (1=minimal impact; 4=disastrous)
 +    * Description of risk: VO framework does not meet the needs of the project
 +      * Likelihood of occurrence=2
 +      * Impact=2
 +      * Risk factor=4
 +      * Description: The VO standards for discovery and representation of time series are still under discussion in different IVOA working groups. If the final approval of such standards is delayed, this will have a clear impact on the VO services defined in WP5.
 +      * Remedial action: WP5 leader (IVOA vice-chair and member of the IVOA Comittee on Science Priorities) will supervise the standard acceptance process trying to speed it up as much as possible.
 +    * Not enough manpower to perform WP5 activities
 +      * Likelihood of occurrence=1
 +      * Impact=4
 +      * Risk factor=4
 +      * Description: If the budget associated to WP5 is significantly reduced, the person-months associated to this WP will also be reduced having an impact on the list of taks to be accomplished.
 +      * Remedial action: Priorities would be assigned to tasks defined in WP5. Only those with high priority would be carried out.