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documentation:partb3 [2015/03/12 09:44] jcsuarezdocumentation:partb3 [2015/03/30 17:14] (current) jcsuarez
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 +|The MsWord (**PERSIA_B3_Implementation_Template.docx**) template of this document is available at \\  **[[|/WorkDir/Templates/ ]]**  \\ Its latest version can be downloaded from    \\ **[[|/WorkDir/Bid/B/]]**  |
 +**3.  Implementation** 
 +**3.1  Work plan —** **Work packages, deliverables and milestones ** 
 +Please provide the following:
 +· brief presentation of the overall structure of the work plan;
 +· timing of the different work packages and their components (Gantt chart or similar);
 +· detailed work description, i.e.:
 +- a description of each work package (table 3.1a);
 +- a list of work packages (table 3.1b);
 +- a list of major deliverables (table 3.1c);
 +·  graphical presentation of the components showing how they inter-relate (Pert chart or similar).
 +//{{}}Give full details. Base your account on the logical structure of the project and the stages in which it is to be carried out. Include details of the resources to be allocated to each work package.////The number of work packages should be proportionate to the scale and complexity of the project. // 
 +//{{}}You should give enough detail in each work package to justify the proposed resources to be allocated and also quantified information so that progress can be monitored, including by the Commission. // 
 +//{{}}You are advised to include a distinct work package on ‘management’ (see section 3.2) and to give due visibility in the work plan to ‘dissemination and exploitation’ and ‘communication activities’, either with distinct tasks or distinct work packages. // 
 +//{{}}You will be required to include an updated (or confirmed) ‘plan for the dissemination and exploitation of results’ in both the periodic and final reports. (This does not apply to topics where a draft plan was not required.) This should include a record of activities related to dissemination and exploitation that have been undertaken and those still planned. A report of completed and planned communication activities will also be required.// 
 +{{}}//If your project is taking part in the Pilot on Open Research Data**[[/persia/wiki/doku.php?id=sup_sup_1_sup_sup_you_must_include_a_data_management_plan_as_a_distinct_deliverable_within_the_first_6_months_of_the_project._a_template_for_such_a_plan_is_given_in_the_guidelines_on_data_management_in_the_h2020_online_manual._this_deliverable_will_evolve_during_the_lifetime_of_the_project_in_order_to_present_the_status_of_the_project_s_reflections_on_data_management._definitions:work_package_means_a_major_sub-division_of_the_proposed_project._deliverable_means_a_distinct_output_of_the_project_meaningful_in_terms_of_the_project_s_overall_objectives_and_constituted_by_a_report_a_document_a_technical_diagram_a_software_etc._milestones_means_control_points_in_the_project_that_help_to_chart_progress._milestones_may_correspond_to_the_completion_of_a_key_deliverable_allowing_the_next_phase_of_the_work_to_begin._they_may_also_be_needed_at_intermediary_points_so_that_if_problems_have_arisen_corrective_measures_can_be_taken._a_milestone_may_be_a_critical_decision_point_in_the_project_where_for_example_the_consortium_must_decide_which_of_several_technologies_to_adopt_for_further_development._3.2_management_structure_and_procedures_describe_the_organisational_structure_and_the_decision-making_including_a_list_of_milestones_table_3.2a_explain_why_the_organisational_structure_and_decision-making_mechanisms_are_appropriate_to_the_complexity_and_scale_of_the_project._describe_where_relevant_how_effective_innovation_management_will_be_addressed_in_the_management_structure_and_work_plan._http:dfe.iaa.csic.es_persia_wiki_lib_plugins_fckg_fckeditor_editor_images_smiley_msn_lightbulb.gif&nolink&}}//Innovation management is a process which requires an understanding of both market and technical problems& with a goal of successfully implementing appropriate creative ideas. A new or improved product& service or process is its typical output. It also allows a consortium to respond to an external or internal opportunity.//
 +·  Describe any critical risks& relating to project implementation& that the stated project's objectives may not be achieved. Detail any risk mitigation measures. Please provide a table with critical risks identified and mitigating actions (table 3.2b)
 +**3.3  Consortium as a whole **
 +{{}}//The individual members of the consortium are described in a separate section 4. There is no need to repeat that information here. //
 +· Describe the consortium. How will it match the project’s objectives? How do the members complement one another (and cover the value chain& where appropriate)? In what way does each of them contribute to the project? How will they be able to work effectively together?
 +· If applicable& describe the industrial/commercial involvement in the project to ensure exploitation of the results and explain why this is consistent with and will help to achieve the specific measures which are proposed for exploitation of the results of the project (see section 2.2).
 +· **Other countries**: If one or more of the participants requesting EU funding is based in a country that is not automatically eligible for such funding (entities from Member States of the EU& from Associated Countries and from one of the countries in the exhaustive list included in [[|General]]** **[[:sup_sup_1_sup_sup_you_must_include_a_data_management_plan_as_a_distinct_deliverable_within_the_first_6_months_of_the_project._a_template_for_such_a_plan_is_given_in_the_guidelines_on_data_management_in_the_h2020_online_manual._this_deliverable_will_evolve_during_the_lifetime_of_the_project_in_order_to_present_the_status_of_the_project_s_reflections_on_data_management._definitions:work_package_means_a_major_sub-division_of_the_proposed_project._deliverable_means_a_distinct_output_of_the_project_meaningful_in_terms_of_the_project_s_overall_objectives_and_constituted_by_a_report_a_document_a_technical_diagram_a_software_etc._milestones_means_control_points_in_the_project_that_help_to_chart_progress._milestones_may_correspond_to_the_completion_of_a_key_deliverable_allowing_the_next_phase_of_the_work_to_begin._they_may_also_be_needed_at_intermediary_points_so_that_if_problems_have_arisen_corrective_measures_can_be_taken._a_milestone_may_be_a_critical_decision_point_in_the_project_where_for_example_the_consortium_must_decide_which_of_several_technologies_to_adopt_for_further_development._3.2_management_structure_and_procedures_describe_the_organisational_structure_and_the_decision-making_including_a_list_of_milestones_table_3.2a_explain_why_the_organisational_structure_and_decision-making_mechanisms_are_appropriate_to_the_complexity_and_scale_of_the_project._describe_where_relevant_how_effective_innovation_management_will_be_addressed_in_the_management_structure_and_work_plan._http:dfe.iaa.csic.es_persia_wiki_lib_plugins_fckg_fckeditor_editor_images_smiley_msn_lightbulb.gif?nolink&}}::Innovation management is a process which requires an understanding of both market and technical problems& with a goal of successfully implementing appropriate creative ideas. A new or improved product& service or process is its typical output. It also allows a consortium to respond to an external or internal opportunity.::|Annex A of the work programme]] are automatically eligible for EU funding), explain why the participation of the entity in question is essential to carrying out the project   %%*%%%%*%%3.4  Resources to be committed%%*%%%%*%%    {{}}//Please make sure the information in this section matches the costs as stated in the budget table in section 3 of the administrative proposal forms, and the number of person/months, shown in the detailed work package descriptions.//    Please provide the following:   ·  a table showing number of person/months required (table 3.4a)   ·  a table showing ‘other direct costs’ (table 3.4b) for participants where those  costs exceed 15% of the personnel costs (according to the budget  table in section 3 of the administrative proposal forms)    ----   [[[1]]] Certain actions under Horizon 2020 participate in the ‘Pilot on Open Research Data in Horizon 2020’. All other actions can participate on a voluntary basis to this pilot.  Further guidance is available in the H2020 Online Manual on the Participant Portal. ** // 
 +//**** // 