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consortium:inaf [2015/03/31 13:50] – [Salaries & PM Cost] persiaconsortium:inaf [2015/03/31 13:51] (current) – [INAF Personnel Cost] persia
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 +==== Description of the partner ====
 +^Legal Name ^Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica |
 +^Short Name |INAF |
 +^Responsible in PERSIA |Ennio Poretti |
 +^PIC |999868920 |
 +^Legal Representative |Giovanni Fabrizio Bignami ([[|]]) |
 +^Legal Status |:!: Validated by European Commission |
 +^Street |Viale del Parco Mellini 84 |
 +^Town |Roma |
 +^PostCode |00136 |
 +^Country |Italy |
 +^Website |[[|]] |
 +^Overheads  :    TBD ^^
 +==== Legal status of your organisation ====
 +Public body: YES
 +Non-profit: YES
 +International organisation: NO
 +International organisation of European interest: NO
 +Secondary or Higher education establishment: NO
 +Research organisation : YES
 +Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs): NO
 +Legal person: NO
 +===== Direct costs (excluded salaries) =====
 +Travels : 1500 Euro/year x 3 persons x 3 years : 9000 Euro
 +===== INAF Personnel Cost =====
 +The PMs are calculated on the total duration of the project, i.e., 3 years.
 +The TD researcher will be recruited  with an International Call and will serve for 2 years.
 +==== Salaries & PM Cost ====
 +^  Contract Type ^  Salary ^  PM cost |
 +|  [1] Astronomo Ricercatore |  66000  |  5500 |
 +|  [2] Astronomo Associato |  96000  |  8000 |
 +|  [3] Tempo determinato |  46500 |  3875 |
 +|  [4] PostDoc |:?:  |:?:  |
 +==== Participants ====
 +^Full Name ^Short Name ^Entity ^Status ^Role ^PM ^Cost |
 +|E. Poretti |EP |INAF |[1] |Responsible of INAF-OAB partner; Responsible of WP6 |9 |49500 |
 +|E. Antonello |EA |INAF |[1] |Collaborator |6 |48000 |
 +|Researcher TD |  |INAF |[3] |Spectroscopic analysis, line profile variation study |24 |93000 |
 +|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 +|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 +|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 +|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |